Tuesday, February 10, 2009


so i had a blog that i updated semi-regularly back in my freshman year of college. it was a good way to cope with/talk about that crazy, uncomfortable, and awesome time in my life. now that i've started work, it kind of feels like i'm back in fall semester 2004. i'll try and write some thoughts and ramblings in here every now and then

lotsa things to write about... i'm sure the more important stuff will be written later. today, i worked for 11 hours. 10am-9pm. fucking awesome. although i guess it wasn't too bad, from 6-9pm i was @ UT teaching students how to use labview and do data acquisition. really fucking weird being on the other side of one of those things. regardless, i'm exhausted. sucks that i'm not getting paid overtime either... salaried job = fail

sunday night, jenny and i went and saw benjamin button. truly a fantastic movie, although i might be a little biased since the main setting for the movie is new orleans. there was one quote that stuck with me: "there are no rules to life." it really puts things into perspective. there isn't any set path for us to follow. the definitions of success and failure are simply a widely accepted viewpoint, and not necessarily correct or right. live life how you want to live it, and not how anyone else thinks you should.

i love my acoustic guitar, and the way it fills my entire room with sound when i play it. sometimes i want to just stay up all night and play... but bedtime comes early.

oh well

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